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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between online and hybrid courses?


Both courses give access to the digital content on the hispaniola online platform with the difference that Hybrid courses include 1.5h/week of oral practice through video conference or face-to-face lessons. These courses are addressed to adults interested in flexible courses that allow them to combine studying with professional or other personal commitments.


Why study in hispaniola?


Our 15 years of expertise in education and Instructional Design, guarantee courses designed under strict pedagogical criteria. Every module we design implies personal time and effort, therefore our learners’ satisfaction is our priority.


How long will it take me to learn Spanish?


That depends on you. If you are a beginner, you must follow the sequence of the courses, be disciplined, study, and complete the assignments to reach a B2 level after two years. At this level, you will be able to maintain fluent conversations and apply good writing skills. You will be able to understand native speakers and read articles and reports about ordinary problems and contemporary literature.


What kind of accent will I have contact with?


Spanish is spoken in Spain and different Latin American countries, and the phonetics of the language is different in every country. And that´s why Spanish is so interesting!


A very common question is if learners will learn Spanish of Spain (castellano) or Spanish of Latin America. In hispaniola we try to use educational materials with recordings of different accents so that you become familiarized with them.


My personal experience is the following: from the very beginning I was exposed to the Castellano accent as my first Spanish teacher was from Spain and I lived in Madrid, so I spoke Castellan. By staying in the Dominican Republic for ten years and teaching in Spanish, my accent has changed, and I use a lot of Dominican idioms. Panama is a more international town, and you hear lots of different Latin American accents. That is why I love Spanish so much!


So, the accent is something that evolves and changes depending on where you are, which is your mother tongue and what accents you are exposed to.


Will I have homework?


Definitely. Learning a foreign language is a complex process that requires commitment, discipline, and hard work, but we provide interactive digital content and use different methods so that you will enjoy homework!


What’s my level?


You can use the self-assessment grit based on the European Framework of Reference for Languages provided by the Council of Europe. 

You can also take a test that hispaniola has prepared for you. At the end of the test, you will be notified about your level.


Do I need specific equipment or computing skills?


  • Desktop pc or laptop with good microphone and camera.

  • Basic computing skills

  • Fast internet connection.

  • User level for office (Word, PowerPoint) or google apps (Docs, Slides)


In what language is the course?


In hispaniola we read, write, and speak in Spanish since day 1. All the instructions and material are in Spanish. If you are a beginner don’t worry! Mimics is an international language, and all our students not only get by but pick up a lot of vocabulary used in the classroom even if they haven’t studied it. Our recorded videos include subtitles in English and Greek.


What can I do if I missed the enrollment date for group courses?


Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can provide some extra individual lessons so you can catch up with a group, or we might be able to offer you another enrollment date if you come with a friend and there is availability in our schedule.


What platforms will I use?


We use Zoom for video conferencing courses.


hispaniola online uses Talent LMS, an awarded learning management system, for hosting digital content. This application helps us design, organize, manage, and deliver digital content to our learners. Our learners can also communicate with each other through forums and get direct feedback from us.


We also use virtual campus Difusión, a well-known Spanish publisher that creates educationl content for teaching Spanish as a foreign o second language. The courses are also enriched with other digital tools like: youtube, flipgrid, quizzlet, edpuzzle among others.


What payment methods are accepted?


You can use Yappy (if you live in Panama) or PayPal.

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